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Saturday, December 06, 2008

26/11 - MY TRIBUTE

This video is my tribute to 26/11.

I haven't been able to come terms with it yet and I find my words choking inside me. Someday I will write my own song to commemorate this day but till then I’d let Lennon speak for me…

Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for, And no religion too

Imagine all the people, Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us, And the world will be as one

Also read this amazing story of a survivor - Michael Pollack 's story

It begins "innocuously, with a dinner reservation in a world-class hotel. It ends 12 hours later after the Indian army frees" them


Their interview is here:

I loved that part where both Pollack and his wife Anjali reiterated the selflessness of the people around them (irrespective of their religion, nationality) at the time of the mayhem. Anjali summed it up and said it is time for us to come together as a world to fight terrorism so that the people who have laid their lives for us to live haven't done so in vain.



Unknown said...

Wish it were so easy to "Imagie" all that John Lennon sang and lived for - but in India itself, its hard to imagine any such harmony BECAUSE we are too far gone because of caste politics .... till the Modi's, Advani's, Thakre's and their ilk continue .... and till the Congress party continues with its policies of caste politice, Lennon's dream (and our) will never come true. Your blog brings us these dreams, for that we ate thankful to you.

Anonymous said...

God bless Pollack and his familly. I want to thank Pollack who has actually commended and understood the problem of the Indian Army Soldiers of havioing to fight in pitch dark night. I salute the other heroes the Taj Staff members. I thinkthe article also gives an insight as to how much USA cares for the life of its citizens. Pollack communication and being updated by FBI was a revelation.


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