The nightmare is temporarily over. We will be back to the grind in no time. It is not living in fear anymore. It is living in disgust and utter helplessness to make any sense of this age of terrorism. Was it like this for the Jews who ived in the times of Hitler ?
Meanwhile we need to get the moderate Muslims together- I have reiterated this time and again that Fundamentalism is the new religion of the cowards. We have to be either moderates or fundamentalists and not Hindu, Muslim or Christians anymore.
I read this comment and found it appropriately voicing my opinion in this matter.
The onus is now on moderate muslims to defeat the radical Islamists by rectifying/reforming their religion by accepting the liberal values and ignoring the absoluteness of their religious texts (Koran) and behaviour. Every religion is flawed in the light of modern life and living and we have to temper it to suit our existence. Rather than justifying the anachronistic texts, we have to reform our religious beliefs, otherwise it will kill everybody without discrimination Hindu/Muslims everybody. This chasm/divisions will only increase with time unless we accept and embrace liberal values, progressive civil code, education, better human rights. Hinduism has lot of liberal escapes , Muslims have to find one in their religion...
Hi Jaya
Yes, aftermath of such tragedy is blame game. Indian govt will blame pakistan govt,security agencies will pass on the buck to ISI, Shiv sena and BJP to Muslims in India.
Currently there is no forum for muslims in India. Either its Muslim League/SIMI or no identity. Its time that liberal muslims form a front that denounce terrorism under the name of Islam and define their identity distinct from SIMI or Muslim League.
Hi Jaya,
I cannot agree with you more. However, how do we go about this task?
As they say, charity begins at home, so lets begin right where we are and start a movement of sorts to get the people involved .... but how?
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