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Saturday, January 03, 2009


With Army Bill marching fwd, post Mumbai blast, a section of civilians are worried that the Army may be getting too powerful... TV Subramanium speaks for the lot I guess who wonder " Will there come a time when these Army chaps will call the shots all the more and make sure a CHUNK OF OUR TAX PAYERS' MONEY IS SIPHONED OUT TO THEM in the name of SECURITY COST and we be turned into another PAKISTAN where the MILITARY is the only SOURCE OF EMPLOYMENT,ofcourse other than JIHADI ENTERPRISE?"

This is a very valid concern, considering India has the largest standing Army. If anything has to go wrong it will and the recent so called "WAGE-WAR" is being seen as a "Arm-Twisting" of the Govt. TVS writes "...By sniper positioning deftly placed on the Govt.Cabinet for approval. No shots have actually been fired but the show of defiance to the Civilian Rulers in New Delhi has led to this "WAGE-BILL REVISION" for Lt.Colonels and other Army personnel."

He is worried because he knows for sure only " The vagabonds and lazy bums and illiterate chaps would take up employment in the Armed Forces or was being forced into that slot. The men mostly from Punjab,UP,Bihar and Rajasthan."

And with these men at the helm of affairs things can only get worse, right?
When I asked Jo to comment on it he said
Firstly the undermining /diluting of the position of the army has been a long standing issue- Where does this notion of "Arm twisting" come from when a bunch of people are just fighting for what should be rightfully theirs - and looking for acknowledgment for the longest time ? If the Army is belittled thus and left disgruntled there maybe some fear of them absconding and leaving the borders unguarded next time...the senior lot is already making an exodus to ensure a better future for their children... And moreover there won't be anyone willing to join the army in the near future with the terrorism on rise. What are we talking about here?

Well what do I say?

If we agree that beefing the security system is an urgent priority today we have to take a positive step towards it. We can either trust the system and express our solidarity to those who volunteer for it or make ourselves available for rigorous army training and be part of the bandwagon which is seeming to bite off more than its share and getting stronger by the day.

Let us all share the army ration and and army grief alike then. We will have more people to protect the country for one and there will be no guilty party enjoying life without being accountable for it.

To every one who is similarly worried my plea is let us not that get divided on this issue. We already have too many factions and we do not need one more.
I understand what may worry some of you but let me assure you, there is no need to worry.

Our army(your and mine) is not the militant army of Pakistan. It is a very selfless, hardworking disciplined army. Accept us love us, grant us our due, we shall never let you down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have been perusing your blogspot with great interest and admiration. I have seen your creativity starting unfolding itself as a gentle breeze; it has already become a very strong wind. With your energy, zeal, passion and vision it will be not long before it becomes an engulfing tempest. I have yet to see a more complete blog than this one. What range, what focus and what direction!! It is not only un-cluttered structurally but also in substance and soul. Its a creation of a very centered, lively and sagacious mind. I find many blogs to be either exercise in self-veneration or slander in the name of democracy of thought or autonomy of mind. But your blog is absolutely balanced and matured. Your voice is the voice of sanity and objectivity. There is ample seriousness mixed beautifully with playfulness and celebration. Therefore it must appeal to young and not so young alike. It's so inclusive and yet respects the individual freedom. In fact I can dare say that your blog has actually set very high standards in blogging - a benchmark for other serious bloggers to draw upon from. The only disconcerting factor is very low participation by the visitors - and I will call myself Guilty No 1 for that. People don't know what they are missing on, first, by not visiting it and, secondly, by not engaging actively and profoundly in it. In fact participating in this would definitely enhance their own creativity as I find in my case. But hats off to your dogged determination and I can fathom the implicit pillars of strength that Jo, Nandini and Noor have been. You cannot but be persevering since you know it well that the results are not your lookout. What a wonderful dance of spirituality on view here!


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