The above link will take you take an interesting article published in MSN by a certain Sachi Mohanty. My own research on "Relationship" issues (for which I am supposed to write a series of articles) made me curious about the title. The article is honest and fortright contributing to the rising mindset of adulterous behaviour (and the confusion this transition is setting in). My reply to the author's query if women are also inclined to be as polyandrous (as men are polygamous) is here below. I shall attempt to write a full fledged article taking off from here. Meanwhile here is my take on the subject. I may not be representing the entire women species but I do know whatever may be the trend today, it is important not to lose sight of the bigger picture.
"Mating as a primal desire to procreate is followed by a sense of fulfilment and subsequent responsibility in many animals and ofcourse the humans. I have no idea if the Megallean Penguins (who mate with the same partner every year) or the Sea Horses who are similarly inclined, have any special reason to do so. In human however it is a matter of choice - After you have tried all the permutations and combinations of the mating game (which ends in there and doesn't enrich the individual or the realtionship in anyway), one feels exhausted, used, listless and even a little sad...human mind more than mating is perhaps hardwired to look beyond these temporal satiation gimmicks into searching for truth ( or anything that lasts forever). The reason why they give so much importance to emotions like love and trust and faith - the reason why the primitive men eventually ceased to be the hunters and the chasers and redefined their life more meaningfully - collecting within them all their sexual energy and chanellising them in directions that make them creative in a wholesome way...
You may also like to click and read my first article on the Relationship series - EASY FLINGS . This is about a rise in conscious adulterous behaviour amongst women today... Let's face the facts!
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